Quake Global, Inc. has designed, manufactured and supported industrial M2M modems and controllers for over 10 years
Pumps, Homeland Security, Remote Asset Management, Tank Monitoring, Lone Worker, Irrigation, Transportation of hazardous material, Ships / Boats, Mining, Fleet Management, Rail, Detectors , Process Control, Oil and Gas Exploration, Aircraft, Pipeline Monitoring, Environmental Monitoring, Pipeline Monitoring, Off, Valves, Water and Air Pollution Monitoring Agriculture
Over the years we've delivered satellite based M2M solutions to a wide range of customers in many different industries.
Agriculture Grid Monitoring (Elements), AMR Modems / Plugins, Process Monitoring, Irrigation, Mining, Power Monitoring (Quality), Surveillance, Pipeline Monitoring, Pipeline Monitoring, Oil and Gas Exploration
AggreGate SCADA/HMI is a system for visualizing and operating processes, production flows, machines and plants. It is a highly reliable multi-user distributed solution which provides supervisory control and monitoring for many sectors: Process Control, I
The perfect GPS Tracker no installation just charge and hide in the vehicle
Serial modbus modem gsm modem vending machine gprs Industrial gprs
serial port rs232 rs485 industrial gsm gprs modem for AMR PLC
Serial RS232 RS485 to Wifi 802.11 b/g/n and Ethernet Converter DTU data transfer
Serial RS232 to Ethernet TCP/IP Converer Server