The software techniques and tools that made the mobile Internet applications and application store possible can’t be applied as is to the cost-constrained and fragmented world of the consumer IoT. As manufacturer of consumer devices, if you don’t adopt new practices and foundations for your software development, you are at risk of losing market share, missing market windows, and not satisfying customers. MicroEJ provides software solutions for developing devices that bridge the gap between IT-world solutions and the technical and cost constraints of the consumer electronics world. With MicroEJ solutions, OEMs use proven methods that cut software development time and cost. You create software that delivers incredible user experience and adjusts to Internet business needs. The MicroEJ OS and Application Store deliver Android-like capabilities on hardware that low-cost devices can afford. With MicroEJ you can save $1Million per 100Kunits of production on your next design, and still deliver user experience that consumers are expecting.