IoT Companies

Do you already speak IoT? guhIO makes your product smart. Fast, plannable, and hassle-free. Benefit from our one-of-a-kind B2B focused IoT operating system.

guh GmbH is a flexible software service provider in the IoT industry with a highly experienced and stable team, more than 4 years on the market and an excellent track record. Its product is a one-of-a-kind IoT operating system which opens up endless possibilities in the world of IoT. We are based in Vienna, our team is spread all around Europe. 

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guh GmbH

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to 1000000
GmbH (Ltd.)
Software/Service Delivery Platform developers & vendors

Company Name:

guh GmbH
Spittelauer Lände 10/2/2

Jürgen Ellensohn
CMO & Business Development

Products > Building Automation > Access Control
Nymea - the operating system for connected devices
Nymea - the operating system for connected devices

IoT already has an undeniable impact on today’s business world. The future will see entire industries fundamentally changed by the ever increasing amount of smart devices. By the year 2020, current estimations say, there will be approximately 30 billion connected devices in the market, with an economic value of up to US$ 3 trillion. IoT signifies not only a change, but also a chance: the swifter existing companies adapt their products, the sooner they can tap into new markets and revenues. YOU DON'T HAVE TO REINVENT THE WHEEL ...

Nymea - the operating system for connected devices
Nymea - the operating system for connected devices

IoT already has an undeniable impact on today’s business world. The future will see entire industries fundamentally changed by the ever increasing amount of smart devices. By the year 2020, current estimations say, there will be approximately 30 billion connected devices in the market, with an economic value of up to US$ 3 trillion. IoT signifies not only a change, but also a chance: the swifter existing companies adapt their products, the sooner they can tap into new markets and revenues. YOU DON'T HAVE TO REINVENT THE WHEEL ...

Jean Beunardeau, 2023-06-12 02:12:33:
Greetings I desire to actualize with you a business deal. Please to further explore this possibility I would like you to contact me via my email address( to give you a brief description of my field of work and the project idea. Thank You, Prof. Jean Beunardeau