IoT Products

Lead a Good Life Blood Pressure Blood Sugar 2011 (BPBS) enables patients and physicians to measure the important
vital signs blood sugar and blood pressure the easiest way possible. For measuring blood pressure, just slide your arm
through the cuff  and have it inflated at the push of  a button. For blood sugar measurements, just insert the test strip into the BPBS and apply a small drop of  blood (> 0.5 µl) to the sample side of  the strip. Measured values are displayed within five seconds and can be transmitted to a PC via USB or sent to any desired recipient by mobile network.

Upon purchase, users are provided with all accessories needed to immediately perform vital sign measurements.

As another unique feature, BPBS can transfer the measured data via mobile network through an integrated SIM card. A
highly secure 128-Bit AES encryption guarantees maximum data safety. The low volume of  the communicated data (one measurement generates a data volume of  only 393 bytes) allows for low transfer costs and fast data transmission.

Lead a Good Life BPBS product flyer