IoT Services

With an earnest intent to employ people first and make a profit second, Device Solutions has evolved into a team of thirty plus, with three main areas of focus:

  1. Engineering consultancy – we are experts at bringing imagination into reality
  2. Cellio, our customizable Internet of Things device that assists companies gather the data they need at a price they can afford
  3.  The testing and certification of product for major network providers.

The path was not always smooth.  In 2009, when the recession impacted Device Solutions, Bob, Chris, and Keith took 50% pay cuts and reduced the workweek and salaries to 80%.  But in a company that is more concerned about the people than the P& L, employees shrugged off the decrease and worked a full week anyway.

In its 11 year history, Device Solutions has designed and developed many products that impact daily life.  Among the many are a mechanism to control a car’s ignition through breathalyzer, wireless utility monitoring, an implanted heart device that serves those awaiting transplant, wearable electronics, an e-cigarette, and a non-interventional wristband to aid children with autism and ADHD.