IoT Products

smart.control is an intelligent comprehensive system to observe and control the energy consumption in households and in the industry. The energy provider as well as all connected customers can monitor their energy consumption. Additionally, the production of photo-voltaic systems is shown in real time. 

The smart.control system is based on a very cost-efficient gateway that is installed in the neighbourhood of the meter point and transmits the data using GPRS, WIFI or LAN. The gateway works without configuration and can be installed in minutes. It opens a secure connection to the smart.control server and sends the measured values in a given frequency (i.e. every 15 minutes). The smart.control server receives, processes and displays the values.

Smart.control also allows to control devices of a household, i.e. boilers or heat pumps. This is an interesting feature for energy providers that enables them to finegrain use their surplus energy.  


Technical Specification

smart.control Server: Modular Java application that consists of a standalone stateless server and a web portal. Adapted pages for different devices (stationary, mobile, tablet) are available.

smart.control Database: The smart.control Database is a Metering Data Repository that stores the measured data in the given resolution and transforms them into desired formats. Additionally the database saves the configuraiton data and inventory of the installed smart.control Gateways. smart.control Database works with different DBMS like Oracle or MySQL.

smart.control Gateway: Low cost hardware based on an ATMega CPU that is connected with up to eight meter points (CS current loop and S0 is supported, MBus and ZigBee is optionally available). It controls up to eight devices in housholds such as heat pumps and boilers. The communication between the gateway and the smart.control server can be estabilshed with either GPRS, WIFI or LAN.


Interface » Type of Inputs / Outputs » Analog
Interface » Type of Inputs / Outputs » Digital
Interface » Bus System » M-BUS
Environment » Temperature Range » Home and Office Use (-20°C / +55°C)
Mechanics » Protection Class » Commerical
Mechanics » Mounting » Hat Rail
Power Supply » AV Voltage Supply » 110V - 240V

smart.control tech specification (german)
smart.control flyer (german)