Explore your BACnet network
With “plug-and-play”, BACnet Explorer for BACnet/IP you can discover BACnet devices on connected networks. Connect Explorer to a BACnet Network and it will automatically discover and display a listing of all BACnet devices on that network. Once a device is discovered, you can enumerate the BACnet Objects in that Device. Devices on different networks can also be discovered if the networks are connected by a BACnet Router or BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD). It will also display BACnet devices as they join networks in real time.
SUPPORT for most BACnet 2016 object types
BACnet MS/TP support - (works with U+4 USB to BACnet MS/TP Interface);
Option to save to .csv format with extensive filtering options (premium version);
Option to save a network to xml file and restore from this file (premium version).
NEW! Option to save to Engineering Data Exchange format (.EDE)
Supports the following BACnet BIBBS