IoT Products

Explore your BACnet network

With “plug-and-play”, BACnet Explorer for BACnet/IP you can discover BACnet devices on connected networks. Connect Explorer to a BACnet Network and it will automatically discover and display a listing of all BACnet devices on that network. Once a device is discovered, you can enumerate the BACnet Objects in that Device. Devices on different networks can also be discovered if the networks are connected by a BACnet Router or BACnet Broadcast Management Device (BBMD). It will also display BACnet devices as they join networks in real time.

SUPPORT for most BACnet 2016 object types

BACnet MS/TP support - (works with U+4 USB to BACnet MS/TP Interface);

Option to save to .csv format with extensive filtering options (premium version);

Option to save a network to xml file and restore from this file (premium version).

NEW! Option to save to Engineering Data Exchange format (.EDE)

Technical Specification

Supports the following BACnet BIBBS

  • Read Property DS-RP-A
  • Read Property Multiple DS-RPM-A
  • Write Property DS-WP-A
  • Dynamic Device Binding DM-DDB-A
  • Dynamic Device Binding (Server) DM-DDB-B
  • Dynamic Object Binding DM-DOB-B


  • Supports Foreign Device feature to connect to BACnet Broadcast Management Devices (BBMDs).
  • Runs on both 32- and 64-bit platforms: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012/R2, Windows 10
  • Extensive Filtering
  • Free or Licensed electronically (key file)
  • Supports the following BACstac standard object types: Access Credential, AccessDoor, AccessPoint, Access Rights, AccessUser, AccessZone, Accumulator, AlertEnrollment, AnalogInput, AnalogOutput, AnalogValue, Averaging, BinaryInput, Binary Lighting Output, BinaryOutput, BinaryValue, BitStringValue, Calendar, Channel, CharStringValue, Command, CredentialDataInput, DatePatternValue, DateValue, DatetimePatternValue, DatetimeValue, Device, Elevator Group,
    Escalator, EventLog, EventEnrollment, File, Global Group, Group, IntegerValue, LargeAnalogValue, LifeSafetyPoint, LifeSafetyZone, Lift, Load Control, Loop, MultiStateInput, MultiStateOutput, MultiStateValue, Network Port, Network Security, NotificationClass, NotificationForwarder, OctetStringValue, PositiveIntegerValue, Program, PulseConverter, Schedule, StructuredView,
    TimePatternValue, TimeValue, TrendLog, TrendLogMultiple.
  • Supports the following Writable DataTypes: NULL, Boolean, Unsigned Integer, Signed Integer, Real Double, Character String, Enumerated, BACnetObjectIdentifier, Date, Time, DateTime