IoT Companies

Blue Wave is a start-up company focused on developing a B2B platform for Cloud & New Services integration and management(e.g. M2M)

The move to Internet-IP-based architectures is dramatically changing the way customers are facing and using telecom services creating completely new trends and needs. Telecom Operators are facing a completely new generation of services born in the ‘Cloud Generation’ where serious sets of new possibilities and services are blossoming and where Customers (both mobile and residential) are central part of the revolution with strong interest for seamless access to innovative internet services at home/office and in mobility. The new generation of services includes a significant set of cloud web services, smart applications, M2M, Smart Cities, e-Health, proximity services and Mobile Broadband.

The Cloud Generation is maturing and is a serious challenge for any Operator.

While this evolution of services is exciting, and the growth opportunities for a network operator are immense, there are some serious impacts as well.

The increasing variety and volume of multimedia services can have a negative impact on the end-to-end user experience through constrains on interfacing network resources with next generation services. In addition, operators are often limited by their costly, often limited flexible legacy systems which restrict integration ‘on the Clouds’ and consolidated models on pricing, time-to-market and rate price plans.

Integration with a new generation of services, provisioning, customer management and real-time models are critical target that operators need to match in order to be competitive on a rapidly evolving environment.

The Next Generation solutions pass through flexible, innovative gateways that construct the bridge from existing telecom infrastructures and the ‘Cloud Generation’ services.

BlueWave is a competitive, high scalable solution, specifically designed for M2M and Services on the Cloud that makes transition to the New Generation easy.

Official website


Number of Employees:
Revenue (in USD):
Legal Form:

to 2
Incorporated Company

Company Name:

80 Castle Hill Avenue
Croydon, Greater London
Great Britain

Marco Giaccaglini
+39 347 1656488

M2M and Cloud Brokerage Platform
M2M and Cloud Brokerage Platform
Products > Industrial Applications > Process Monitoring
BlueWave Product Features
Introduction to BlueWave platform features
Introduction to BlueWave platform features

Introduction of BlueWave platform features for the Cloud Integration. Intro on Cloud Brokerage space by Gartner (courtesy).

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