IoT Companies

Use your MiHome Gateway to build your complete smart home system, capable of controlling and combining your MiHome lighting, heating and mains power devices

Energenie aim to provide solutions for all electrical needs. Here at Energenie, we have a wide range of products such as:
- Eco and electrical solutions, aiming to help our customers save money around the house
- Energenie range that is compatible with Raspberry Pi
- Travel and lighting kits

Energenie have also recently launched the Mi|Home range, which aims to turn ordinary homes seamlessly into smart homes. The range includes a set of home automation products that are built around the Mi|Home Gateway, which is our central hub for the range.

The Mi|Home range also includes integrations from huge companies such as Amazon and Google to provide our customers with the complete smart home solution at a very affordable price.

Official website


Company Name:
Address line 2:

Unit 5 Harold Close
CM19 5TH
United Kingdom

Oliver Tadd
Commercial Director

Jean Beunardeau, 2023-06-12 01:54:19:
Greetings I desire to actualize with you a business deal. Please to further explore this possibility I would like you to contact me via my email address( to give you a brief description of my field of work and the project idea. Thank You, Prof. Jean Beunardeau