IoT Companies

Located in the heart of Silicon Valley in Mountain View California, SimpleSoft's simulation, test, development and management tools help make the job of creating and managing today's complex networks simpler. Our corporate mission, simply put, is to make your job simpler.


Corporate History

When SimpleSoft was started in 1993, the Internet had only about 5 million users and the Mosaic Web browser was just being introduced by NCSA. Recognizing the need for standards based management, earlier in 1988, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) had published RFC 1067 defining the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

Having attended one of the early SNMP interoperability "bake offs" in a garage in Silicon Valley, SimpleSoft in 1994, began shipping the first commercially available Microsoft Windows based automated SNMP agent tester (SimpleTester) to test SNMP agent implementations. This easily installable software product helped Test Engineers quickly become productive by completing weeks worth of manual testing in just minutes and enabled networking companies to create robust, interoperable products with minimum time-to-market.

The first commercial Microsoft Windows based SNMP agent simulator that "learnt" from real devices (SimpleAgent) soon followed in December 1994, and SimpleSoft was on its way to becoming the industry leader in SNMP simulation and testing.
The opportunity to work with Internet pioneers and leading networking companies in Silicon Valley and around the globe during the explosive growth of the Internet in the past two decades (the Internet now has over 2.5 billion users and growing) helped further cement SimpleSoft's role as an industry leader.


Changing with the Times

While SNMP continues to be the leading Internet standard for network management, applications utilize a variety of management protocols to monitor and control today's networks, data centers and even homes, production floors and transportation systems (IoT). Telnet/CLI, SSH, HTTP, HTTPs, TFTP, FTP, IPMI, Netflow, SOAP, VMware's vSphere APIs, CoAP, XML, and REST are often used in addition to SNMP to effectively manage this multi-vendor, heterogeneous environment.

Recognizing this need, SimpleSoft has continued to enhance its popular flagship device simulators, SimpleAgentPro® and SimpleAgentEnterprise® which can simulate over 50,000 devices on one computer, to support all these protocols.

SimpleSoft's innovative products include Development tools, Automated Agent Testers, Vulnerability Probes, Device Simulators, NTCIP related solutions, and Network Management Tools. Together they provide a complete solution to develop, test, simulate and manage networks.

Today, our customers consist of more than 1000 Networking/Network Management companies and businesses with IT departments in 35 countries throughout North America, Europe and the Far East. Customers include Cisco, Alcatel-Lucent, HP, CA, BMC, IBM, AT&T, Comcast, Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens, France Telecom, NTT, Hitachi and Wells Fargo.

Official website

SimpleSoft, Inc.

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Company Name:
Address line 2:

SimpleSoft, Inc.
257 Castro Street,
Suite 220
Mountain View
United States

Sudhir Pendse