IoT Companies

Si2Partners helps business leaders and managers monetise technology by leveraging services to beat the competition and win in industrial markets. Si2 provides ON-DEMAND advisory and support through a network of expert practitioners to solve problems facing service leaders in all kinds of situations. From growing revenues and making sales to reducing costs, optimizing operations to creating new market offerings, or pricing spare parts. You have a problem; we'll help you find the solution. Rapidly, confidentially and on-demand, through short 1-4hr missions or longer if required. With Si2 you can act faster, bolder, avoid mistakes and reduce risks. We help you develop, test out and validate new ideas or different ways of doing things. We help you get results faster & more effectively, but at a fraction of the cost of a conventional consulting project. With hands on experience in solving problems very much like the ones you currently have on your mind, the Si2 network is a ready-to-go dynamic resource for you and your team.


Si2 is a new breed of virtual companies with a platform business model that put clients in touch with expertise ON-DEMAND.  

We invest in and utilize technology to collaborate, produce and deliver our services as well as manage our administration, maintaining a low cost base.

Unlike conventional consultancies and professional services firms, our assignments are not delivered by many junior associates under a partner, but by senior consultants/practitioners with outstanding competence and many years experience in their field. 

Through the Si2 platform our clients can access network of expertise and to customized relevant content. This helps us reduce travel time and cost, accelerate project delivery and minimize disruption at client sites. We can then maximize productivity of direct contact time with our clients.

We unbundle our services to suit clients‘ needs. We don‘t only offer end-to-end solutions, but enable clients to dose and use our capabilities and expertise as they require, on a timely basis and on-demand.

We guarantee our quality and our fees reflect our high productivity and lower cost base. Whenever possible we link our payment to client satisfaction and outcomes. For clients requiring on-going, low-dose support in developing, improving or changing their business we provide a flexible subscription model including agreed levels of high quality insight and expertise as well as management and business development support at a lower cost than an additional employee.

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Si2 Partners

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Company Name:

Si2 Partners
14 Rue du Verger

Nick Frank
Managing Partner